Drunken Regret
By Amy Peter
You were drunk, and I was too,
but I needed you.
I knew I shouldn't call, it was so late,
but I did anyway.
If I had known before that you'd been drinking,
I would've hung up the phone;
but you said you'd pick me up and there's no way I could've known.
When you got to the party, I noticed something wasn't right;
but I was feeling so sick and just wanted to end the night.
I'll always remember that car ride memory,
and I live everyday believing if It hadn't happened you'd still be here.
You were there for me when I needed you until the very end;
and I'm so sorry, so very sorry.
I hope you forgive me, dear friend.
I'd give anything to go back in time and not pick up that phone,
because one slip in the rain,
a hydroplane,
and you never got to go home.