Meet Our Fall 2024 Staff!
Production Editor:
Zaynab Chida
I heard about PLR a little while ago through word of mouth, and when I was looking through classes for this semester, I came across the course, and decided to take it. I could not be more glad that I did. I didn’t really have experience in publishing, but I knew I was interested in it, and as the Production Editor, this class was the perfect way to blend my love of literature and design together, especially with the exciting prospect of seeing it all combined at the end of the semester. I’m so excited that I get to take part in producing this semester’s issue!
Marketing Editor:
Cuyler Martin
I’m excited to be returning to PLR as marketing editor for the 2nd semester. I was really delighted to have been a part of the team last semester, and even more proud about what we created. I’m excited to once again work with an engaging group of peers to bring together more of the wonderful art and literature that comes directly from members of our community!
Assistant Editor:
Laurel Drerup
I joined PLR after seeing the fliers and the magazines around campus, and I'm looking forward to putting together a publication! I want to explore editing and publishing, and this class is a good intersection of those interests and my interest in creative writing and art. I'm glad to have the chance to discuss the submissions we receive with the other editors and to work with others to put together this semester's edition!
Assistant Editor:
Lidia Rogers
Hi, I'm Lidia, A student aspiring to be a writer. This is my first semester with PLR, and I am excited to see what comes.
Assistant Editor:
Munir Aldaqaq
I like writing and the arts and I love fostering and critiquing new talents so PLR is a perfect fit for my interests. Very excited to curate the best of the bests from our lovely community.