By Gail Cairns
ECT- Electro-Convulsive Therapy- a controversial treatment in which a convulsion or seizure is produced by passing an electric current through the brain
My sister took me that first time
She even drove my car
She had no experience with this
But she came with an army anyway
We had to get up very early
Because it’s first come first served
Even though what they serve
Is nearly beyond bearable
She talked to me
Like you would an injured bird
She knew that it was all I could do
To just be, and feel afraid, and make myself small
And I couldn’t speak much
So she spoke to me
From time to time we would look at each other
And find each other inside of all the strangeness
Then the others took over
My sister told me she would be right there
Waiting to take me home
And when it was over
She brought me home
She took over completely
And as I slept
She cleared the rooms, hallways, stairways of shame
Sometime we can look back
At this extraordinary task
And triumph will claim us
By the depth we belong together
Then when we look at each other
We will be overcome
With all the love that we had made
On that terrible, terrible day