Met A Girl
By Tricia Marcella Cimera
Alone and uninspired,
Poet takes a walk.
Nothing seems extraordinary,
everything is ordinary.
Then he sees her,
lovely girl
smiles straight at him,
cries hello hello!
Poet says the same
and at that moment:
sees the sun running
like yellow yellow yolk,
the sky a cobalt china plate,
clouds whipped like
whip cream in a cup,
birds high up looking
like black raisins
in a blue croissant.
Then −
the girls walks on and
Poet saunters home,
stares at the wall,
hungry for a poem.
Air passes through his ears
(like wind in a tunnel)
while he sits and muses:
That girl, I know that I
met her for
a reason but
what could that reason be?