The Premature Sap
Tricia Marcella Cimera
Yes, he was young
but not inexperienced.
He’d done this before
to much great acclaim.
Timing it perfectly,
to the exact moment,
causing such sighs,
such rapturous cries
with his performance!
Then this girl blew in,
skirt blowing up,
up in the wind,
apple-cheeked cheeky,
curves round as pumpkins,
eyes flashing heat
like bonfire sparks.
One glimpse of her,
he fell, what a fall,
trembling and shaking,
bending near breaking,
But too soon.
Now there he stands,
bright blushing red,
golden head boughed,
beside all the others
swaying tall, in control.
He, the first tree
to burst with excitement
and color
before Autumn herself
fully came.