The Unwanted Treasure


Ethan Kagin


Listen all ye to a tale,

Which starts at night in a stormy gale

A man moves slowly through the land,

With priceless treasure in his hand

He wants to share it, a light so dim,

But other fools will not let him

He carries values, he carries strength,

But it’s not precious, so they think

He knows it is, he tells them so,

His gift will help them learn and grow

We will not take it! The mob cries out,

And far behind him, he hears a shout

Here come the riders, through rain and night

They thunder towards him armed to fight

He runs faster, he knows not where

Who and what he finds, he does not care

Irony, he thinks, he protects the prize

From to whom he offered it, the unwise

The men catch up, they strike him down

He lays disgruntled on the ground

They pry the treasure from his grip

And with the rainfall, his teardrops drip

They destroy it, break it down

His potential, shattered on the ground