empty the water- Khadijah Rashid
everything is inside me
it’s only heavy because
i hold it at the ready
ready to pick up and run
but if i follow the wind
that blew me to you in may
if i could stay with you
even for only a day
i could sit at rest
and i could be at peace
let my shoulders drop
and not grit my teeth
dig my feet into the sand
that blew through the air
whatever i’d forget
i know we’d just share
if i could empty the water
sitting ready within me
and at its own pace
let it blend into the sea
make me light enough
to get on my back and float
forget what it’s like
to wear a winter coat
no more shield required
sun touching my face
live in just that present
person, time, and place
i’d honor that one day
none other can come close
to when i told you what i didn’t
know i needed to most
no matter the weight
i’ll follow that warm breeze
there’s no doors on the beach
so i will need no keys
(i just need my sister
and a hug, please.
i just need one of those
chocolate chip sugar cookies.)